A Carving Smile

Through darkness I drowned into the wasteful. 
A mere Shadow of my glorious past. 
I was fooled to think that ever love would last.
When my pieces fell rather disgraceful,
I was pierced by a most terrible torn. 
But instead of destroying little me
Through moping upon the terrible thee,
I must attempt my best to be reborn.
I've wasted too much precious potential,
On people who've given me less than a damn. 
So, instead of being a wounded lamb,
I should make my thoughts consequential,
Regardless, my facade should be of stone.
The emotion that burns so ever deeply, 
It must be thwart from any coal heaply.
Ever wit should take over the hormone. 
For my heart should never swing repoen,
Because I would want to throw the rope in. 
But I would love to visit my lady Death,
Regardless, if she thieves away my breath

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