The Game is Afoot

Once more unto the breach, dear humans, once more!
Do not sew the damnable patterns of trembling fear within your spectics. Make of lusterful and passionate colours that which we declare vibrant in truth to ourselves. For one day, you will lie beneath the unforgiving hand of our most beloved death; and you will come to contemplate whether or not your mettle deem true throughout the span of your universally microscopic existence. Our roaring flames of courage and of hope will flicker underneath the stinking breath of consequence and the oppressive glares of those whom we deem judgemental. We must unsheath our blades of our honest and our dearest colours whilst we lift the veil of a lie that festeres within our dear mortal soul. For the penmanship of the orchestra we seem as living shalt not be rewritten. We must not allow silence to fold upon us under those who cannot comprehend the dear wonderment of an individualistic madness. Hold your spirits high and bellow forth to those who hold you in shackles "GO TO HELL!" For this dawning day we proclaim as ours! 
The Game's Afoot.

Terebravisse Mortem

I can't decide whether I should live or die; 
I can't live as this lie. 
Not making people happy, 
Instead making myself dappy. 
The sickness in my heart it spreads 
All this badness goes to my head 
I'm not a bad guy 
I just don't want to live this lie. 
The truth comes down that we're doomed 
I just can't stand this gloom 
The thing that we call living 
But instead we're all just giving 
Our time and that's all fading. 
I'm sorry, but I've been belaying 
The inevitable decaying 
That I should have sought so long ago.


The murky shade crept along my room.
The lights went out and I attempted to fall into a dreamland.
Silence and shadow were in a conglomeration;
And a grip of insanity caressed my fragile mind.
I felt the cold, skeletal hand of an imaginative fear stroke down my neck.
I, being paranoid, thought a specter from an ethereal plane haunted my very room.
I glanced about to see that only silence and shadow resided.
That the monster was only in my mind.

The Masquerade Waltz

Come now, brother.
Let the music steal you.
Let the darkness veil you.
Come now, sister.
See the world through different eyes.
Remove yourself from burdened chains.
Come now, everyone.
Come now to the Masquerade Waltz and the Feast.
Let yourself fall into crimson.
Let yourself rise to temptation.
Come now, show us your colours, my dear sweetheart.